16/07/2024:  WIA 2024 Shortlisted Artist
Absolutely thrilled that my entry 'Our trip to the park' has been Shortlisted for the World Illustration Awards 2024, in the Children's Publishing Professional Category!
You can view the shortlist HERE and my entry HERE
26/05/2024:  WIA Longlisted Artist

Excited to share that my entry 'our trip to the park' has been longlised for the World of Illustration Awards, 2024. I submitted 3 final double page spreads which you can see below.
I had lots of fun playing with detail and pattern for this project, especially the image below depicting the girl and her dog climbing through the trees using a repeat pattern as a narrative tool.
Explore the longlist  HERE and my entry HERE

I wanted to create a narrative that follows a girl and her mum who take the bus into town to visit their local park. The girl uses her imagination to explore her surroundings and to escape into her own imaginary world. Throughout I aimed to play with pattern and detail to enrich the narrative, whilst reflecting what I see in my own local, once industrial town in the UK to give the story a sense of place

All Images found on this site are copyright of Joanne Young Illustration 2024
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